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在高分子化学合成及高分子材料科学领域有良好的研究工作基础。近年来在相关领域的应用基础研究和技术应用方面进行了持续系统的研究,主持和主要参与国家及省部级科研项目20余项、横向课题多项。近年来,主编《高分子材料改性技术》专著1部、 十三五部委级规划教材2部,参编十一五国家级规划教材1部;发表论文60余篇,其中三大检索收录20余篇,中文核心期刊30余篇。承担本科生及研究生课程,指导已毕业硕士研究生20余名,在读7人;主持完成10余项校级教改项目和质量工程项目,获校级优秀教学成果一等奖 1项、二等奖2项。指导学生荣获2017年大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛省级三等奖和2019年校级特等奖。



2. 功能纤维及其在智能传感领域的应用研究;






4、杨杰,男,汉族,陕西西安人,校聘副教授。202012月毕业于中国工程物理研究院凝聚态物理专业,获博士学位。20213月加入滚球下注网站。现从事柔性可穿戴功能材料与器件方面研究工作,主要包括二维纳米材料和柔性功能材料制备,柔性可穿戴应力/应变传感器、致动器以及能源器件的设计和应用,先后参加国家自然科学基金等多项科研项目。近年来在Nano Energy, Cell Reports Physical ScienceAdvanced Energy Materials等国际著名期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇,其中第一作者或共同一作SCI论文5,申请中国发明专利4项。担任J. Mater Chem. A, Chem. Comm, Electrochimica Acta等多个主流期刊审稿人


1. 中纺联科技指导性项目环保型高效低阻抗菌空气过滤材料的应用开发2020050 (王琛主持)

2. 横向科研项目环保型空气过滤材料的开发及应用2019KJ-212 (王琛主持)

3. 横向科研项目功能型空气过滤材料的开发及应用2018KJ-483 (王琛主持)

4. 柯桥-西纺研究院产学研协同创新项目基于静电纺构筑的环保型纳滤膜材料的研发(19KQYB21) (王琛主持)

5. 中纺联科技指导性项目增强型多孔PAN纳米纤维膜负载TiO2纳米异质结光催化剂的研发2018059 (王琛主持)

6. 陕西省教育厅省级重点实验室科研计划项目高性能纤维增强碳基复合材料的研发16JS035 (王琛主持);;

7. 陕西省产业用纺织品协同创新中心项目高性能纤维系列性能全面测试技术及分析方法研究2015ZX-14 (王琛主持)

8. 陕西省教育厅自然科学专项项目用于二氧化碳分离和捕集的功能化固有微孔聚合物膜的制备及应用研究12JK0465 (王琛主持)

9. 陕西省科技厅项目聚四氟乙烯表面改性及功能化的应用基础研究07JK258 (王琛主持)

10. 陕西省教育厅自然科学专项项目等离子体改性膜固定化酶的应用开发2005kw-21 (王琛主持)

11. 横向科研项目改性聚四氟乙烯绝缘膜的粘结性能2005KJ-016 (王琛主持)

12. 陕西省科技厅项目微波干法制备阳离子淀粉絮凝剂及应用基础研究2003B22 (王琛主持)

13. 高介电绝缘硅橡胶的配方设计及性能研究(2020KJ-),陕西省精细化工重点实验室开放课题,2020.1-2021.12,在研 (周应学主持)

14. 聚乙烯管道组分-工艺-性能关系研究(2019KJ-393)2018.12-2019.4,结题,(周应学主持)

15. 玻璃纤维建筑膜结构材料(2015ZX-11),陕西省2011产业用纺织品协同创新中心,2015.12- 2016.12,结题,(周应学主持)

16. 陕西省教育厅自然科学专项,16JK1324,含二茂铁刺激响应聚合物的合成及电纺纳米纤维网制备,2016.1-2017.12,结题,(周应学主持)

17. 滚球下注网站博士启动基金,BS1404, -客体驱动的金刚烷聚合物超分子自组装,2015.1-2019.12,结题,(周应学主持)

18. 阴离子型表面活性剂压裂液技术研究,09YL-FW- 017,长庆油田横向项目,2011.1- 2011.6,结题 (周应学主持)

19. 国家自然科学基金青年项目原位自组装构筑仿生层次结构纤维素/石墨烯复合纤维519031982020.01-2022.12(马建华主持)

20. 滚球下注网站-柯桥纺织产业创新研究院重点项目智能可穿戴织物用导电纤维的开发、集成与应用19KQZD132019.09-2021.09(马建华主持)

21. 陕西省教育厅重点项目(协同创新中心项目) 基于服役行为条件的立体织物新结构与新工艺研发20JY0252020.01-2022.12(马建华主持)

22. 聚合物分子工程国家重点实验室(复旦大学)开放研究课题水相剥离石墨烯/纤维素复合功能纤维的制备K2020-252020.01-2021.12(马建华主持)



[1]. Single Janus Iodine-doped rGO/rGO Film with Multi-responsive Actuation and High Capacitance for Smart Integrated Electronics, Nano Energy, 2018, 53, 916. (SCI)

[2]. Photodirected 2D-to-3D morphing structures of shape memory polycaprolactone/W18O49 nanowires composite film. Science China Materials. 2021,64(6):1495-1506.

[3]. A polycaprolactone/polydopamine nanocomposite with sunlight-induced shape memory effect and solid state plasticity [J]. Smart Materials and Structures 2020, 29(10): 105019.

[4]. Fiber-Shaped Hydrovoltaic Nanogenerators with High Energy Conversion Efficiency for Self-powered Integrated Electronics, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 1, 100175. (SCI)

[5]. Fiber-shaped Supercapacitor: Advanced Strategies toward High-Performances and Mutil-Functions, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2020, 38, 403. (SCI)

[6]. Fabrication of pH-Responsive System Based on Cationic Gemini Surfactant/Sodium Octanedioate and its Application on Controlled Release of Paclitaxel. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2018, 539, 101. (SCI)

[7]. Electrospun polyacrylonitrile/polyvinyl pyrrolidone composite nanofibrous membranes with high-efficiency PM2.5 filter[J]. Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2020, 406):487-493. SCI

[8]. Self-assembly of telechelic polymers bearing adamantane groups via host-guest inclusion complexes with cyclodextrin polymer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020. SCI

[9]. Highly Sensitive and Large-Range Strain Sensor with a Self-compensated Two-order Structure for Human Motion Detection. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 11, 8527 -8536. 2019. (SCI)

[10]. Highly Conductive, Mechanically Strong Graphene Monolith Assembled by 3D Printing of Large Graphene Oxide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 53412-19, 2019. SCI

[11]. Core-Crosslinked Nanoparticles from Amphiphilic Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Macro-RAFT Agent and Styrene: Preparation and Characterization. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 493: 012016.SCI

[12]. The effects of PCL diol molecular weight on properties of shape memory poly (ε‐caprolactone) networks[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2019, 136 (6): 47055.SCI

[13]. An investigation on sunlight-induced shape memory behaviors of PCL/TiN composites film[J]. Smart Materials and Structures 2019,28(10):105006.SCI

[14]. A novel shape memory poly (ɛ-caprolactone)/hydroxyapatite nanoparticle networks for potential biomedical applications[J]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry Volume 272, April 2019, Pages 78-86. (SCI)

[15] The effect of annealing treatment on microstructure and contact resistance properties of cold sprayed Ag-SnO2 coating[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compound, 2017714:698-703SCI

[16]. Stimuli Responsive Electrospun Fibres: Functions and Applications. Materials Science Forum, 2015, 809 -810: 737-749. SCI

[17]. Stimuli- induced gel-sol transition of supramolecular hydrogels based on β- cyclodextrin polymer/ ferrocene-containing triblock copolymer inclusion complexes. Journal of Polymer research, 2014, 21(2): 359-368. SCI

[18]. Thermo-sensitive supra-molecular hydrogels from atom transfer radical polymerization of polypseudo -rotaxanes self-assembled by triblock copolymer and α-cyclodextrins. Reactive & Functional Polymers, 2013, 73(3): 508-517.SCI

[19]. Comparison of Structure and Properties of Two Styrene-Butadiene Rubbers Filled with Carbon Black, Carbon-Silica Dual Phase Filler and Silica [J]. Rubber Chemistry & Technology, 86(4): 664-678, 2013. (SCI)

[20]. Improvement of Cutting and Chipping Resistance of Carbon Black Filled Styrene Butadiene Rubber by Addition of Nano-dispersed clay [J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125(5): 3484-3489, 2012. (SCI)

[21]. Dual-Responsive Actuation and Reconfiguration of Shape Memory Polymer with a Topologically Well-Controlled Structure. Smart materials and structures. (SCI)

[22]. Polypseudorotaxane hydrogels based on F127 block-selected inclusion complexation with α-cyclodextrin. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 482-484: 1898-1903. (SCI)

[23]. Zhou Yingxue, Fan Xiaodong. Rheological properties of sodium dodecyl sulphate-Based supra-molecules hydrogel induced by aluminum ion. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 233-235: 1966-1971. (SCI)

[24]. Characterization of Filler-Rubber Interaction, Filler Network Structure and Their Effects on Viscoelasticity for Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Filled with Different Fillers [J]. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, 52(8): 1128-1141, 2013. (SCI)

[25]. Studies on Surface Graft Polymerization of Acrylic Acid onto PTFE Film by Remote Argon Plasma Initiation, Applied Surface Science 253, 4599(2007) (SCI)

[26] Studies on Surface Modification of Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Film by Remote and Direct Ar Plasma, Applied Surface Science, 254, 2882(2008) SCIEI收录).

[27]. 聚苯乙烯-聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯核-壳粒子的制备. 应用化工,200938(2): 240-242. EI收录)

[28]. 聚苯乙烯-聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯核-壳粒子的制备及性能. 化学推进剂与高分子材料, 2009, 7(3): 46-52. EI收录)

[29]. Synthesis of O-methylacrylamide-2-hydroxypropyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride Chitosan Assisted with Ultrasound Irradiation, TBIS 2014EI收录)

[30]. Synthesis of reactive quaternary ammonium salt of chitosan assisted with ultrasound irradiation ICAFP 2011 EI收录)

[31]. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of quaternized O-carboxymethyl chitosan assisted with ultrasonic irradiation, ICAFP 2011EI收录)

[32]. Studies on hydrophilicity of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) film by remote argon plasma, ICAFP 2009EI收录)

[33] Kinetics study on remote argon plasma-induced graft polymerization of acrylic acid onto PTFE films, ICAFP 2007EI收录)

[34] Study on surface modification of polytetrafluoroethylene film by air remote-plasma, ICAFP 2005EI收录)

[35] Study on Immobilization of Urease on PTFE Membrane Modification with Argon Remote-Plasma[J]. Modern Chemical Industry 26,272006)(EI收录).


[37]. 引入布洛芬电纺聚乳酸纳米纤维的制备及抑菌性能研究. 合成纤维工业,2016, 39(3): 1-6. EI收录)

[38]. 轮胎胎面胶料性能及其机理研究进展[J],高分子通报,5: 1-9, 2014. EI收录)

[39]. 共混改性制备高耐热PVC复合材料的研究进展[J], 材料导报,42(2): 331-333, 2014. EI收录)

[40]. 基于F127的原子转移自由基超分子水凝胶的制备及性能. 高分子材料科学与工程, 2013, 29(8): 163-168. EI收录)

[41]. 双连续相微乳液制备连续孔聚丙烯酰胺凝胶. 功能材料, 2011, 42(5): 812-819. EI收录)

[42]. 环糊精-药物复合纳米粒子的制备及其控制释放研究进展. 材料导报, 2010, 24(3): 136-140. EI收录)


[1] 一种多孔负载型静电纺纳米光催化纤维膜的制备方法, ZL 2018 1 0906277.9(已授权);

[2] 一种煤矿用抗静电阻燃复合材料及其制备方法,授权号:104292699B

[3] 一种复合纳米纤维膜及其制备方法和应用,公开号::202010464129.3;

[4] 一种环保自清洁复合纳米纤维过滤膜及其制备方法, 公开号::202011125909.1;

[5] 负载型纳米氧化亚铜-纳米纤维复合材料及其制备方法, 公开号:202011246430.3;

[6] 一种聚乳酸/苯胺低聚体纳米纤维的制备方法。公开号:202010646273.9

[7] 一种导热凉感、吸湿排汗聚酰胺纤维材料及其制备方法,公开号:202010097732.2


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